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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

∆ — roy

We stole a mini fridge from a sky box at the local baseball stadium one night; the stadium was paid for by the voters, but we didn’t vote.

Wikipedia says voting may be hereditary;

I wonder what ‘evidence’ they found for that.

We can find ourselves right here, right now. It might be as simple as asking “Who was responsible for the suffering of your mother?”

I’m removing this poem from the museum; it is work that must be done

from London to New York to LA the evidence is building… not a museum exhibit, but something that knows

one day it will change. We looked at pictures of pictures to try to determine what the original photographer saw;

what happened to the people who this photographed ‘artifact’ was stolen from?

If 'barely anyone is talking about’ what you care about then you need to read different things, watch different things, talk to different people.

We’re out here monkeywrenching every damn day:
I don’t want the trains don’t run on time & they shouldn’t Auschwitz prisoners worked for Siemens

The useful Nazis returned to work so drugs & rockets could be developed and the Cold War fought–

And then they made a fucking movie about it! And it was critically acclaimed! Are you fucking kidding me!
(“Their Germans are better than our Germans.”)

Smash your combination coffee maker and alarm clock; I already do in my dreams. Do you?

One day soon I’ll be able to tell you how work was. I try not to think about that usually, but I promise I’ll think about how doing my job feels to me soon. Maybe
you feel the same way; we really should know that.

We don’t know the true extent of corporate espionage… against rival firms and against ourselves as consumers, employees, ‘citizens’

My history teachers called me paranoid until that archive was opened;

Life shows us thousands of small things

and all of them are significant. That’s what I see every day in the snapchats I get from you.

I will always remember that picture of dinner you sent. I love you too.


roy says listen to the marxist poetry podcast @creepingmraxist