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witching hour — brendan joyce

I’m alone with the night again thinking

every union, every right: ghosts of a

failed general strike. The smoke laughs out

of me against the night every union, every right:

ghosts of a failed general strike.

My father taught me how to play poker

next to the Murphy bed. After every deal:

“the pot is right.” Every billionaire, every cop:

ghosts of a failed general strike.

In his metallic mauve Altima the Black &

Mild’s cut sharpie-sized holes in the

tan leather interior. Every cigarette,

every night: ghosts of a failed

general strike. Back on Peony the

bikers across the street would get

coked out & then start shooting.

They ripped that building out probably

ten years ago. Every tear down,

every tavern: ghosts

of your safe & happy life

haunting mine.

The stars the moon the sky

ghosts of a failed general strike

The rain the wind the cold

ghosts of a failed general strike

Cars highways single family homes

ghosts of a failed general strike

downtown the neighborhood & what is left

ghosts of a failed general strike

my body my life

ghosts of failed general strike

who survives & why

Ghosts of a failed general strike


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