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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

the discourse — Liv Grace

there has been war there is war there will be war again
i am just waiting for the war we will start
in the names of the people who have already been killed
i am waiting for the battle of freddie grey
round two
where we kneel in trenches making a battle crying
because only now do we understand sleeping in tents
we have counted each light and dark hour leading to this
moment and they were not good
we were not good
when it’s going down
will you walk me to the grocery store
to buy my abortion
from the cop
behind the counter at the pharmacy
when it’s going down
will we
three tabs deep into a six-pack
still wanna trade gun secrets
no longer gun shy
we’ve somehow become an armory
even though we need ids to buy chef boyardee
and when the internet
crumbles and
our phones don’t work anymore
i will be grateful
for all of the paper you collected
i will build houses
out of the flyers
from the tenants meetings
where we
fell in love


Liv Grace used to live on the other coast and now lives on this coast, seemingly perpetually moving from one house to the next along with their dog, Karl Bark, and about 100 houseplants. Liv’s chapbook, Driveway to Nowhere is out with Radical Paper Press right now. Their work has also been published elsewhere. Liv dropped out college three times and has no degree.