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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

down with the mysterious chapatis! — Ahimaz R.

the living produce
everything that
the living-dead consume.

to paraphrase Marx: we suffer
not only from the dead but
from the living-dead.

the living-dead do not
produce even the janeu
that they smugly wear.

janeu signifies the hangman’s
noose wherewith are hung time & again
the living Bahujans
(ati-sudras & sudras).

what’s janeu for
the parpanar is
oppression for others.

because hinduism is
an euphemism for

& brahminism is
an euphemism for
spiritual fascism,

Periyar coined parpanism
as a dysphemism for

periyarites say that
to refer to them as
brahmin is to be trapped
in their varna-dharmic
framework accepting our
enslaved sudraness.

janeu as well signifies
the living-dead.

all the empty signifiers
thoroughly occupied by
the living-dead with their
janeudhari parpanism,

the subcontinental hegemony
wherein to blindly seek
individual or collective
representation as Adivasis,
Minorities, Ethnicities

or Lowered Castes is to
suffer absolute assimilation
if not absolute rejection.

it’s either negative
inclusion or
negative exclusion

whence one can neither consume
beef nor transport a dead
cow because the parpaans scare
others with the sacred cow.

empty signifiers must remain empty
signifiers & never be
occupied by this or that hegemony.

that’s precisely the reason why
Babasaheb Ambedkar advocates
land redistribution, proportional
representation & the absolute
annihilation of the system of castes.

thus every friday should
be beef-fry day & every day
should be beef-rice day.

that isn’t why but that’s also
the reason why Mahatma Phule
says: down with the mysticism
of chapatis & dal-rice!

beef signifies
an egalitarian
food culture.

what’s food for others
is weapon to wield
for the parpaan.

beef as well
signifies the living.


Ahimaz Ponrasa/Rajessh (@ahimaaz) has been published recently with Glass, Elephants Never, Burning House Press, Marlskarx, Big Echo: Critical SF, Paint Bucket, Speculative 66, formercactus, Dream Pop Press and MoonPark Review. He lives in the Union of India.bio